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point out is the impact of the information technology on the marketing and on the Romanian markets, both final markets and … intermediate ones. In this new era of information technology, established marketing concepts seem to be assuming a completely …
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Trecerea de la stadiul in care marketingul era considerat un simplu instrument de crestere a vanzarilor bunurilor de larg consum, prin utilizarea unor tehnici agresive de cucerire a pietelor existente, avand o puternica orientare spre productie si spre distributie, pana la actualul stadiu de...
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Noi forme de marketing si publicitate online se impun si transforma cu din ce in ce mai mare viteza marketingul …
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marketing, din domeniul financiar-contabile, de personal si salarizare, in general pentru gestiunea tehnico-operativa. …
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Acest articol ilustreaza o analiza comparativa intre sinergia in comunicarea integrata de marketing (CIM) si sinergia …
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