Showing 1 - 10 of 55
Romanian Abstract: Problematica legată de politicile contabile este dezbătută frecvent în mediul academic dar şi în cel de afaceri. De asemenea, reglementările contabile în vigoare stabilesc obligativitatea pentru toate entităţile de a elabora şi aplica politici contabile proprii,...
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The reality in all organization is that the directors and board are in the position of highest influence and their primary responsibility is leadership. As such, considering the consequences of a recession such as we currently face is not the time for directors to abdicate their responsibilities...
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Business processes flexible automation projects involve the use of methods and technologies from Business Processes Management area (BPM) that aim at increasing the agility of organizations in changing the business processes as response to environmental changes. BPM-type projects are a mix...
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Romanian Abstract: Componentele importante ale poverii fiscale suportate de angajaţi includ impozitul pe venit şi contribuţiile pentru asigurările sociale obligatorii stabilite asupra salariilor. Această lucrare furnizează câteva exemple asupra modului în care aceste prelevări fiscale...
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significant contribution to negative trade balance. The main export market for electrical machinery and equipment manufactured in …
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Romanian Abstract: În articolul de față este analizată una dintre cele mai importante ipoteze care stau labaza majorității studiilor care evaluează impactul economic al încheierii unui acord comercial bilateralSUA-UE: reducerea barierelor netarifare. Am luat în considerare studiile...
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Identification through dialectical and aristhotelic judgments of the concordance between the built analytical reality and the empirical one assures the check of the analytical economicity’s principle.
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Multinational corporations’ competitiveness is an extremely complex notion due to the fact that at the present moment this sort of companies represents continuously moving economic entities given the internationalisation process and the swift to using global strategies.
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In economic literature, the competitive advantage’s relevance is still debatable.
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The protest campaign against globalization proves a public, general anxiety that, thinking deeply, is not entirely unjustified. It’t about political interests that, unfortunately, have an influence on the economic ones. Therefore, one can speak about a discrepancy between the economic...
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