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The present paper makes a short presentation of the Bayesian decions method, where extrainformation brings a great support to decision making process, but also attract new costs. In this situation, getting new information, generally experimentaly based, contributes to diminushing the uncertainty...
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În cuprinsul prezentei lucrări sunt examinate valenţele indicatorului “coeficientul de determinare standardizat”, propus de autor, pentru cuantificarea eficienţei utilizării variabilelor explicative şi a ierarhizării condiţiilor care trebuie îndeplinite în cazul unor teste...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă opiniile jurisprudenţiale diferite, ilustrate cu extrase din hotărâri judecătoreşti, referitoare la delimitarea timpului de lucru de timpul de odihnă şi remunerarea muncii suplimentare şi de noapte în cazul personalului militar voluntar, însoţite...
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This survey analyzes two types of models: 1. Models based on assumptions of monetary and financial market equilibrium disturbance in line with mainstream thinking to believe that is self-regulating market, the units would have rational expectations, an the crisis would be a temporary phenomenon...
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The turbulences on the international financial markets are rather connected to the downfall of the American mortgage market than to the generalised insolvency of the debtors.
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The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) to examine briefly the history and development of the major methodological controversies in economic science.
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Romanian Abstract: Un fenomen cu un impact puternic asupra pieţelor petroliere internaţionale l-aconstituit declinul sever al preţurilor principalelor ţiţeiuri de referinţă din comerţul internaţional(Brent şi WTI), de la 105,7 $/baril, în iunie 2014, la 36 $/baril, în decembrie...
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