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This article approaches present debates at the international level (the European Commission Untidier and DeSeCo Project of the OECD) regarding learning to learn competence and some concrete initiative developed starting from these debates.
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The Human Resources field, through education and lifelong learning, represent the impetus of development in the knowledge-based society. The paper presents various measures related to possible European Social Fund investments in Romania between 2007 and 2013.
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In this work it is shown that the role of the knowledge management in organizations is to create a work environment that promotes creation, distribution, storage and use of knowledge. The explicit management of knowledge through distribution and storage of knowledge in different ways, promote...
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In the Information Society, Lifelong Learning (Lifelong Learning) is becoming a necessity and information and communications technology is most appropriate support for learning in general and in particular the continuous learning. In recent years both the U.S. and the EU have developed important...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza profitabilitǎţii produselor joacǎ un rol major în deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda câteva tehnici simple utilizate în previziune a costurilor, în aprecierea eficienţei produselor şi în evaluarea impactului volumului...
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Romanian Abstract: Previziunea cheltuielilor curente ale perioadei de exploatare este o fazǎ importantǎ a planificǎrii financiare pentru deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda unele metode de previziune a cheltuielilor generate de salarii şi de consumul de...
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Romanian Abstract: Planificarea financiarǎ joacǎ un rol major în procesul decizional asupra antreprenoriatului, oferind o imagine a eforturilor şi remuneraţiilor la care se poate aştepta întreprinzǎtorul. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda douǎ dintre etapele procesului de planificare...
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Schimbarea poate fi abordata intr-o mare varietate de moduri. Nu exista o strategie eficienta in orice imprejurare; abordarea sau combinatia de abordari va reflecta propria evaluare in privinta a ceea ce se potriveste cel mai bine schimbarii particulare. In acest context descriem cateva din...
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This paperworks present what can e-commerce offer to small an medium enterprises, the functions of enterprises that can be extended using e-commerce. Some of the main operation are explained using adequate examples. There are presented here also the advantages of ecommerce.
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The paper presents the knowledge concept in both classical and contemporary vision and analyze the knowledge as a production factor. In the same time, the paper illustrates the influence of the knowledge over the higher education system, through some specific elements (Internet, electronic book,...
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