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Romanian Abstract: Problematica legată de politicile contabile este dezbătută frecvent în mediul academic dar şi în cel de afaceri. De asemenea, reglementările contabile în vigoare stabilesc obligativitatea pentru toate entităţile de a elabora şi aplica politici contabile proprii,...
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The reality in all organization is that the directors and board are in the position of highest influence and their primary responsibility is leadership. As such, considering the consequences of a recession such as we currently face is not the time for directors to abdicate their responsibilities...
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Business processes flexible automation projects involve the use of methods and technologies from Business Processes Management area (BPM) that aim at increasing the agility of organizations in changing the business processes as response to environmental changes. BPM-type projects are a mix...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul prezintă rezultatele anchetelor realizate în rândul antreprenorilor, profesorilor și studenților în luna decembrie 2019 și a urmărit să măsorare investițiile în educație pentru sporirea abilităților și competențelor cerute de piața muncii, atât a...
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Romanian abstract: Studiul prezintă rezultatele focus-grupurilor realizate în decembrie 2019 cu studenții, profesorii Universității Tehnice ”Gheorghe Asache” din Iași, dar și cu antreprenorii care lucrează cu ei. El a măsurat satisfacțiile și insatisfacțiile fiecărui grup față...
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English Abstract The groups of companies are an economic reality without regulation of a general nature, with only specific regulations in certain areas. Working relationships within groups of companies have certain peculiarities. In court practice, there were identified situations in which an...
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The majority of published research to date focuses on HRM in large organisation. …
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This paper refers only to the performance in didactic process, that is, in the activities of didactic personnel with the students. The study is based on the author’s experience in some programs conducted within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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The goal of this article is the importance of the performance and the performance evaluation in any company. Performance can be viewed as being in close relationship with the effort made by the employee, his ability, charging station or place and role within the organization. Performance refers...
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A person’s credibility within an organization, for a leader especially, can’t be separated by his professional competence. This is more important if we pay attention to his position within the hierarchy, what means that he can influence to a large extent the use of existing resources, with...
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