Showing 1 - 10 of 11
Romanian Abstract: În 2010, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului s-a caracterizat printr-o evoluţie pozitivă, atât din punct de vedere al disponibilităţilor de metal, cât şi al revigorării preţurilor. Conform analiştilor de la Biroul Australian al Agriculturii şi Resurselor (The...
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Romanian Abstract: Climatul economic global din 2010, ce s-a caracterizat printr-o revigorare uşoară după criza începută la sfârşitul anului 2008, a determinat o redresare a cererii mondiale de cositor, însă oferta foarte redusă a bulversat piaţa, iar preţurile acestui metal au...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul analizează influenţele ce au determinat trendul prețurilor cositorului la Bursa de Metale de la Londra și Bursa Cositorului de la Kuala Lumpur, identificând situaţiile caracteristice pieţei internaţionale din anul 2011. De semenea, articolul examinează...
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Romanian Abstract: În 2011, piaţa internaţională a aluminiului a fost influenţată de climatul economic mondial, caracterizat prin turbulenţe bursiere, în condiţiile crizei financiare din unele state membre ale Uniunii Europene, ale cutremurului devastator ce a lovit Japonia în luna...
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Protectia datelor personale reprezinta unul dintre cele mai actuale subiecte din domeniul cercetarilor de marketing, in general, si cel al cercetarilor in mediul online, in special. Principalele aspecte la care se refera articolul sunt urmatoarele: evolutia pe plan international a cercetarilor...
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The article presents the results of the researches related to the way of obtaining the nutrient supplements for the sportsmen, as an effort-supportive formula, based on natural ingredients, non-contaminated with substances that could harm the health and the elaboration of the methodologies for...
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The protest campaign against globalization proves a public, general anxiety that, thinking deeply, is not entirely unjustified. It’t about political interests that, unfortunately, have an influence on the economic ones. Therefore, one can speak about a discrepancy between the economic...
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The World Trade Organization represents the common institutional framework to carry on the commercial relations among its members on the basis of the accepted international principles endorsed by agreements for standardization and certification, using of sanitary and phytosanitary measures,...
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Identification through dialectical and aristhotelic judgments of the concordance between the built analytical reality and the empirical one assures the check of the analytical economicity’s principle.
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Multinational corporations’ competitiveness is an extremely complex notion due to the fact that at the present moment this sort of companies represents continuously moving economic entities given the internationalisation process and the swift to using global strategies.
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