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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are la bază un chestionar aplicat online, prin recurs la bazele de date cu medici ale Centrului de Cercetare și Dezvoltare Socială „Solidaritatea”,[1] la care s-a adăugat, cu valoare complementară, utilizarea canalelor de tip Facebook prin transmiterea...
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are ca obiectiv analiza situației asistentelor medicale din unitățile sanitare publice centrată pe câțiva indicatori esențiali ai calității vieții profesionale: timpul de muncă, salarizarea, evoluția în carieră. În subsidiar, cercetarea sociologică a...
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The present work tries to indicate the role of the most important institutions, components of the public health system in Romania: Ministry of Public Health, National House of Health Insurance, College of Physicians, College of Pharmaceutical chemists, Association of patients and The National...
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The complexity of indicator’s system derives from the very complexity of the health concept as defined by the World Health Organization that "Health is that state of good : physical, mental, social and consists not only in the absence of disease or infirmity". The indicators should cover both...
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Romanian Abstract: Incidenţa neoplasmului de sân în România este de 66,2/100.000, iar mortalitatea atinge 22,1/100.000. Asociaţia Europeana pentru Studiul Obezităţii arată că prevalenţa obezităţii în Europa este de 10-25% la bărbaţi şi 10-30% în cazul femeilor. Datele din...
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Acest articol ilustreaza o analiza comparativa intre sinergia in comunicarea integrata de marketing (CIM) si sinergia …
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specific way in the marketing theory. We know that marketing, as a science, appeared as an answer to the development of Economy …. The Romanian marketing school places at the origins of marketing the social-economic dynamism. From this point of view, we … believe that the science of marketing itself an element that explains knowledge based economy. <br>However, with the premises …
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The reason of buying, possibly is the most challenging concept in marketing deals with understanding why buyers do what … decisionmaking. Using this information, marketers can create marketing programs that they believe will be of interest to customers …
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The last three decades of the 20th century were characterized by deep mutations of the West-European commerce. On the background of the convergence for the evolution tendencies of the economic field in the EU, there were common orientations in the structure of the distribution network. However...
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Acronimul CRM a intrat relativ recent in limbajul decidentilor si specialistilor de marketing. Anii '90 au marcat …
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