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The purpose of this paper is to briefly describe the complex experience that I had traveling, for the first time, in the summer of 2009, for seven weeks, in the United States of America. Both fascinated and intrigued, I went through “country of all legal possibilities”, admiring, observing,...
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This paper examines the evolution of the EU's trade in services over the 2004-2008 period in comparison with its trade in goods. It aims to disentangle the main trends shaping the EU's services trade flows under the impact of increasing globalisation and the last two waves of EU enlargement....
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This paper examines the evolution of the EU’s trade in services over the 2004-2008 period in comparison with its trade in goods. It aims to disentangle the main trends shaping the EU’s services trade flows under the impact of increasing globalisation and the last two waves of EU enlargement....
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Romanian Abstract: Uniunea Europeană şi Piaţa sa unică au generat în ultimii 50 de ani noioportunităţi pentru companiile europene, care şi-au îmbunătăţit competitivitatea internă şiinternaţională, au creat noi locuri de muncă şi au oferit consumatorilor europeni...
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This paper is highlighting the different approaches on regional development from the point of view of economic growth theories and European integration effects, analysing the contribution of the European Union cohesion policy to the economic growth of the cohesion countries and to reducing the...
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De la sfârşitul anului 2005, conform acordului interinstituţional, Uniunea Europeană a lansat un important demers de revedere fundamentală a bugetului comunitar. Demersul a fost determinat nu numai de interesul general valabil de îmbunătăţire a oricărui instrument de lucru, bugetul...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă opiniile jurisprudenţiale diferite, ilustrate cu extrase din hotărâri judecătoreşti, referitoare la delimitarea timpului de lucru de timpul de odihnă şi remunerarea muncii suplimentare şi de noapte în cazul personalului militar voluntar, însoţite...
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Our efforts of adjusting the political, economic, social and legislative systems emerged into a buoyant and dynamic economic environment after 2000. 
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The Human Resources field, through education and lifelong learning, represent the impetus of development in the knowledge-based society. The paper presents various measures related to possible European Social Fund investments in Romania between 2007 and 2013.
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The general labor protection norms,ed.2002 – oblige the employers to “let the employees know the personal policy of preventing the labor accidents and professional illness which will be oriented exclusively towards the implementation of a management system of security and labor health”....
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