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The Human Resources field, through education and lifelong learning, represent the impetus of development in the …
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This article approaches present debates at the international level (the European Commission Untidier and DeSeCo Project of the OECD) regarding learning to learn competence and some concrete initiative developed starting from these debates.
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În literatura de specialitate s-au consacrat o serie de modele ÅŸi metode de măsurare a timpului necesar pentru a recupera decalajele dintre diferite sisteme, prin determinarea ritmului de dezvoltare pentru a ajunge la un anumit nivel de referinţă, într-o perioadă determinată...
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-- Europe ; strategy ; employment ; education ; reforms ; poverty ; greenhouse gas ; school early leaving …
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Romanian Abstract: Evaluarea este un element cheie în implementarea programelor finanțate în cadrul politicilor europene. Procesul a suferit în mod constant de-a lungul timpului evoluții conceptuale, perfecționări ale tehnicilor, metodelor și instrumentelor utilizate, progrese în ceea...
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Making compromises implies always to compare costs and benefices. What you earn represent the benefice, which usually depend on the personal preferences of a person and what you sacrifice represents the cost. The opportunity cost is the cost of the best alternative at which is given up when a...
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indicators system. In the same time is presented a comparation between traditional education system and education based on total …
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Starting from actual context which characterize the regional labour market, this paper presents a few aspects about the e-learning. Also, the paper presents an original conception and a solution for an e-learning platform implemented at level of Faculty of Business Administration, University of...
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Use of ICT in education comes naturally with the trend of technology and society evolution. The appeal of these … chapters dedicated to integrating ICT in education and moving education more and more to the internet and the virtual … electronic realm. This paper reviews some of the main political trends regarding the use of ICT in education in Europe, Romania …
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