Showing 1 - 10 of 18
­The literature devoted to economic development concerns itself in a growing de­gree with the role and importance of institutions­­­
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Successful economic development is a process of successive upgrading. As nations develop, they progress in terms of their characteristic competitive advantage and modes of competing.
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are ca obiectiv analiza situației asistentelor medicale din unitățile sanitare publice centrată pe câțiva indicatori esențiali ai calității vieții profesionale: timpul de muncă, salarizarea, evoluția în carieră. În subsidiar, cercetarea sociologică a...
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Romanian Abstract: Cercetarea are la bază un chestionar aplicat online, prin recurs la bazele de date cu medici ale Centrului de Cercetare și Dezvoltare Socială „Solidaritatea”,[1] la care s-a adăugat, cu valoare complementară, utilizarea canalelor de tip Facebook prin transmiterea...
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Health services are representing a very important area at the services sector. Grouped under the generic denomination “health”, these services are implicated in the creation of material conditions for human life and in quality life growth. Taking into account the importance of health...
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Romanian Abstract: Cea de a patra revoluție industrială, caracterizată prin proliferareaenergiilor verzi, prin impactul deosebit al Internetului, extinderea robotizării,biotehnologiilor, nanotehnologiei, microeletronicii, materialelor avansate, prin apariția șiextinderea rapidă a...
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Strategic management and greater policy coherence of Romania’s human resources is needed taking into account the interlink ages between demographic, education, labour market and migration flows changes. 
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This study presents a concise analyse about the demographic evolutions and the last indicators of labour market in Moldavia Republic as well the trends and implications of this realities in European integration perspective and the development of a strong market economy
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This paper refers only to the performance in didactic process, that is, in the activities of didactic personnel with the students. The study is based on the author’s experience in some programs conducted within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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The general labor protection norms,ed.2002 – oblige the employers to “let the employees know the personal policy of preventing the labor accidents and professional illness which will be oriented exclusively towards the implementation of a management system of security and labor health”....
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