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Le libéralisme, comme nouvelle orientation théorique et pratique, a pris forme graduellement; il n’est pas uniquement une doctrine qui repose sur une politique économique et sociale libérale. Au XVIIIe st XIXe siècles, le libéralisme s’est manifesté dans sa forme classique, qui...
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The main objective of the present approach is, first of all, to analyse the "transaction costs" concept and then to prove scientifically the relation transaction costs – institutions.
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare propune un instrument economic menit a evalua caracterul (pro)concurențial al diverselor industrii din economia națională. În prima parte a lucrării este prezentat suportul teoretic pe care se bazează indicele agregat de presiune concurențială (IAPC)...
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Comunicarea de marketing a devenit un fenomen extrem de important prin amploarea si implicatiile sale asupra vietii organizatiilor si a societatii in general. Succesul unei organizatii, atat din punct de vedere economic si financiar, cat si pe plan social, este conditionat de modul in care...
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The paper analyses the presuppositions (often implicit) the actual quantitative and logical modelling is based on. In the context, some points of view are proposed, aimed at to eliminate or reduce the incertitude and vagueness generated by the actual way of understanding the macroeconomic modelling.
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The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) to examine briefly the history and development of the major methodological controversies in economic science
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The inflation phenomenology offers to the author the occasion to perform a theoretical, i.e. an abstract analyze, that identifies the comprehensive notional typology family of this phenomenology.
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Identification through dialectical and aristhotelic judgments of the concordance between the built analytical reality and the empirical one assures the check of the analytical economicity’s principle.
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), epistemological suggestions from the crucial work of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, “The Entropy Law and the Economic Process”, in order …
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The purpose of this paper is threefold
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