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The complexity of indicator’s system derives from the very complexity of the health concept as defined by the World … disease or infirmity". The indicators should cover both aspects of financing health services, technical equipment, human … in this area. The paper analyzes the main indicators characterizing the health system in Romania, aimed at identifying …
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Această lucrare scoate în evidenţă importanţa procesului de analiză şi soluţionare corespunzătoare a reclamaţiilor primite de către băncile comerciale de la clienţi. Reclamaţiile clienţilor trebuie privite pozitiv. Ele reprezintă vocea clientului, transmiţând un mesaj cu...
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In the use of complex data we can’t speak about an increase of informational quality for accounting (if the basic principles are respected, the valence of information remain the same), but it’s a better utilization in the entire informational system. For reaching this major purpose in the...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul prezinta date statistice care arata ca jumatate din managerii care au ajuns in functii de conducere nu au studii in domeniu, nici lecturi de management. Nevoia de training si consultanta e foarte mare, dar oamenii nu vor sa aloce bani pentru educatia lor
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The paper presents the scientific works of the Romanian researcher Dimitrie Gusti in the sociology and his contribution to the development of Romanian Museum of Village.
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English Abstract: This study quantifies financial well-being and its determinants, including financial literacy, in … financial system development and financial education. To uncover what determinates financial well-being in Romania, a survey …). Overall, the results indicate that financial well-being is unequally distributed among individuals suggesting the existence of …
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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In teoria firmei, in mod natural se pleaca de la premisa ca firma actioneaza ca scop maximizarea profitului. Daca ar fi sa analizam activitatea firmelor, in ansamblu, am putea descoperi ca nu toate programele pe care acestea le deruleaza se inscriu in acest deziderat de maximizare a profitului....
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