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The impact of introducing a tax on tobacco consumption can be studied trough an adverse selection model. The objective of the model presented in the following is to characterize the optimal contractual relationship between the governmental authorities and the two type employees: smokers and...
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Recently, in February 2006, the Romanian government has approved the introduction of the tax on vices – on the products heavily affected the health if consumed (cigarettes and alcohol) - The tax set up is 10 euro/1.000 cigarettes, meaning 20 eurocents/cigarette pack, and 200 euro/hl...
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In teoria firmei, in mod natural se pleaca de la premisa ca firma actioneaza ca scop maximizarea profitului. Daca ar fi sa analizam activitatea firmelor, in ansamblu, am putea descoperi ca nu toate programele pe care acestea le deruleaza se inscriu in acest deziderat de maximizare a profitului....
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest studiu analizează bunăstarea financiară și determinanții acesteia, inclusiv alfabetizarea financiară, abordând principalii factori care conduc la nivelul scăzut de incluziune financiară și interdependența dintre dezvoltarea sistemului financiar și educația...
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Improving the performance of health sector human resources is a goal pursued by all developed or developing countries. However, the lack of human resources planning and lack of clear and transparent human resources policies may lead to a crisis in this area. Human resource planning should be a...
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In this working paper I proposed to address/aproach issues of relationship and interdependence of human resources and management based on knowledges. I presented during the paper the new type of human resource management and new challenges which are noted in the current economic conjuncture and...
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Human resource field is a main component of an organization asset and represents one of the most important features of its management. The competitiveness level of an enterprise is decisively related to the optimum personnel level and to labor productivity at least equal to that of the...
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According to Human Development report, firstly it is not the quantity that matters, for the human delopment, but the quality of economical growth. Very often, the governments, especially the ones in transitory countries, don’t consider the improvement of the quaqlity of economical growth and...
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