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The article focuses on the role of direct foreign investments in modernizing the economies in transition, the impact of these investments in changing the specialization type and increasing the exportation potential, all within the context of the current financial crisis experienced at world...
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During the last years the Republic of Moldova becomes to be more and more integrated to the international investments market. The investment flows in the Republic of Moldova is taking the form of foreign direct investments. The international flows of FDI are decreasing in 2008 due to the effects...
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Romania was beginning in 1990 a complex process of transition. The Romanian centralized economy has failed and our country was obligated to begin the reforms. These reforms included both the economic area and the social area. In the economic area, the objective of the reforms constituted the...
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Romanian Abstract: Acest studiu analizează bunăstarea financiară și determinanții acesteia, inclusiv alfabetizarea financiară, abordând principalii factori care conduc la nivelul scăzut de incluziune financiară și interdependența dintre dezvoltarea sistemului financiar și educația...
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Romanian Abstract: Adeseori, unele decizii financiare ale familiilor, precum cele care privesc împrumuturile, consumul, economisirea sau investiţiile sunt adoptate în moduri care diferă semnificativ de ipotezele finanţelor tradiţionale. Finanţele comportamentale ale familiei încearcă...
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The actual social-economic context determined major changes and transformations in the strategically and operational plan at the economic system and organization level. The major actual concern regards working capital insurance necessary on a short and medium period, the market quota maintenance...
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Joining the professional standards (financial audit, evaluation etc.) – required – with the ISO management standards (quality, environment, occupational safety and health, etc.) – considered voluntary – support organizations in meeting mandatory requirements and market penetration....
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Each year, companies around the world spend huge amounts for the informatisation of their activities, but the increase of the investments in this field doesn’t imply always the increase of the work productivity and profit with the same rate. The ”productivity paradox” of information...
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The main objective of the present approach is, first of all, to analyse the "transaction costs" concept and then to prove scientifically the relation transaction costs – institutions.
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