Showing 1 - 9 of 9
legislaţiei antitrust a UE de cătreautorităţile competente la nivel european şi naţional. În acest articol sunt … prezentatepriorităţile aplicării normelor antitrust ale UE, corelate cu dinamica şi complexitateaschimbărilor mediului economic pe plan … european şi global, precum şi contribuţia importantăpe care o are aplicarea normelor antitrust de către Comisia Europeană …
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The normalisation of behaviours in economy starts with the definition of conduct rules and of defence means.
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Throughout the EU, retailing is increasingly becoming dominated by a small number of supermarket chains.
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the distinctive characteristics of the competitive mechanism in the digital economy and information product markets. Specific properties of digital goods and information markets are considered.
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Pornim de la observarea empirică a unei caracteristici a pieţei de consultanţă în management din România, reprezentată de dezechilibrul existent între localizarea cererii şi ofertei de servicii de consultanţă: cererea tinde să fie mai uniform distribuită geografic decât oferta,...
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The reality in all organization is that the directors and board are in the position of highest influence and their primary responsibility is leadership. As such, considering the consequences of a recession such as we currently face is not the time for directors to abdicate their responsibilities...
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Acest articol ilustreaza o analiza comparativa intre sinergia in comunicarea integrata de marketing (CIM) si sinergia la nivelul fuziunilor. Pana in prezent s-a discutat despre acesti termeni ca fiind diferiti dar aceasta abordare isi propune sa demonstreze ca exista o legatura si chiar o...
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