Showing 1 - 10 of 49
made by the computers. The reason is the new managers’ capacity of using their intelligence and innovation beyond the … characterized by its changing. The entrepreneurs have to look for the innovations and introduce them on the market. The innovation …, the desire of changing and perpetuating them is much easier to be realized at the SME level. Innovation doesn’t mean only …
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The paper presents an evaluation of the effects generated by the Common Agricultural Policy adoption in the eight Central and East-European countries that joined the European Union in the year 2004.
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The article approaches the characteristic, the organization, the coordination, the functioning, the mechanism for setting and the results of the channels of the products obtained from sheep: meat, milk and wool in Romania.
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The integration process represents an important element for the modernisation process of the marketing department within the agriculture fieeld and food industry.
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The statistics of the Food and Agriculture World Organization (FAO) estimates an explosion in the urban population increase, in the near future, almost twice between 1995-2020. The increase will mainly be 98%, in the developing countries. From this point of view there will be a real challange...
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Romanian Abstract: În general, tehnica militară are un rol distructiv asupra mediului şi, ca atare, în acest domeniu cu greu se pot găsi elemente care să se alinieze la dezideratele conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă, însă pot exista unele posibilităţi de promovare a acestui concept...
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English Abstract: Today it is broadly agreed that innovation is at the core of society development. The mass-media, the … survival and development of the companies. Innovation is treated more as a result and not regarded as a complex process in … which several dimensions compete with the major impact on the innovation potential of the company.This paper aims to …
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English Abstract: European Union has engaged to become a low-carbon economy. In that sense, eco-innovation policies are … definitions and policies into attention of the Romanian academics, underlining the significant impact which eco-innovation is …
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Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale, conduce la o foarte strânsă legătură între drepturile morale și drepturile patrimoniale, în sensul că exercițiul drepturilor patrimoniale...
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Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o...
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