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The process of adhesion to the European structures imposes a certain direction to the capital markets and by this to the economic development. 
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Romanian Abstract: Unele anomalii calendaristice care au fost detectate pe pieţele de acţiuni pot fi, de asemenea, descoperite şi pe pieţele valutare. Această lucrare abordează prezenţa Efectului Turn-of-the-Year în randamentele logaritmice ale valorilor zilnice ale ratei de schimb...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează câteva metode simple de identificare a anomaliilor calendaristice. Luând ca exemplu Efectul TOY, vom arăta cum pot fi aplicate testele t sau regresiile OLS pentru a detecta o componentă sezonieră a evoluţiei randamentelor activelor financiare
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează unele dintre principalele caracteristici ale anomaliilor calendaristice precum cauzele acestora, persistenţa lor în timp sau posibilităţile de a le utiliza in elaborarea strategiilor de investiţii. Sunt prezentate, totodată, câteva dintre...
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Romanian Abstract: Aceastǎ lucrare abordeazǎ unele particularitǎţi ale evoluţiei variabilelor financiare precum: comportamentul pieţelor financiare în cursul bulelor sau crizelor, riscurile sistematice şi legǎturile dintre pieţele financiare internaţionale. Sunt prezentaţi, de...
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Romanian Abstract: Securitizarea activelor este o modalitate de finanţare relativ noua şi inovatoare - probabil una dintre cele mai importante tehnici care au avut loc în ultima parte a secolului trecut - dezvoltată pentru a finanţa un fond de active care prin natura lor nu sunt...
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The term "electronic banking" or "ebanking" covers both computer and telephone banking. Using computer banking, a charity’s computer either dials directly into its bank's computer or gains access to the bank’s computer over the internet. Using telephone banking, the charity controls its bank...
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Financial markets and institutions have a main role for national economy development. A lot of transactions which offer opportunities for making profit are realizing on the capital market as a segment of financial market. The paper includes analysis of the meaning and the role of financial...
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In Romania, the accumulation of pressures in economy, as result of its administration, have imposed both the need of changing he bases of economy’s evolution and the finding up of some mathematical patterns, which could model the transition towards the market economy and permit the aligning of...
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Market economy is characterized at a time, among others, by the existence of twopartners, so that one has some money, a certain amount of capital, and one needs money. The first has money and wants to capitalize on them as possible, and the second wants to enter into possession of a capital base...
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