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This paper presents a few general considerations regarding the SAPARD Program (Agriculture and Rural Development Special Preaccession Program). The SAPARD Program represent one of the three European Union financial instruments (ISPA, PHARE and SAPARD) assisting candidate countries to prepare...
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare abordează modalităţile prin care indivizii şi organizaţiile fac faţă variatelor riscuri asociate deciziilor financiare. Percepţiile şi atitudinile faţă de risc ale managerilor pot fi influenţate de complexitatea mediului financiar, dar şi de...
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English Abstract: Performance reasons in decision making based on business data usually requires a good management of multiple data formats and also processing speed, flexibility, portability, automation, power of suggestion and ease of use. The paper comes with theoretical ideas and practical...
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Romanian Abstract:: În cadrul procesului de management al riscului, după ce riscul a fost identificat, expunerea a fost analizată iar soluţiile au fost generate, trebuie adoptată o decizie asupra celei mai bune căi de a trata expunerea. În această lucrare vom aborda câteva tehnici de...
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Romanian Abstract: Riscul şi incertitudinea se află printre conceptele esenţiale ale ştiinţei managementului. De-a lungul timpului, soluţiile pentru problemele riscurilor au evoluat de la tehnici simple la metode sofisticate. În această lucrare vom aborda managementul unui risc ca pe un...
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English Abstract: Under the current conditions where the smooth running of the audit activity involves taking into account the multiple aspects to be analyzed for the same problem and, very often, several data sources, the quality, speed and flexibility of reporting in strict relation with the...
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Decision contexts, decision nature and characteristics that are to be made, the features of the decision maker, the quantity and the quality of the information available intended to support the decision making process are the major premises of the efficiency. In the world where the changes are...
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Most of the international commercial transactions consist of merchandise and capital flows. The fluidization of these flows implies special financing techniques or the use of some payment instruments adequate to the purpose: minimum risk, time and cost. The payment sources or instruments can...
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In this article we intend to present a comparative approach between three recognized international methodologies for risk management: RISKMAN, Project Management Institute Methodology-PMBoK and Project Risk Analysis and Management Guide (produced by Association for Project Management).
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The lasts years has seen an explosion of interest in risk management throughout business, the public sector, and society generally. Textbooks, articles, pamphlets, and other publications on risk management subjects are constantly appearing and the number are beginning to grow significantly...
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