Showing 1 - 10 of 148
environment requires not only adequate industrial policies but also a particular attention paid to education and research/innovation …. Innovative potential of productive companies will have a decisive role in ensuring their viability and competitiveness, as well …
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Sustainable excellence is a modern field of research, a problem for both managers and scientists. The paper offers a method in order to guide the steps toward sustainable development of the industrial companies.With the help of 21 criteria it is measured the increasing accumulated synergy of the...
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The paper mainly aims at defining strategic industries, establishing selection criteria and pointing out opportunities for the implementation of policies specific to market economies for promoting these industries.
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Romanian Abstract: Adeseori, în cadrul analizei seriilor de timp exprimate în unităţi monetare, este indicată ajustarea la inflaţie. Această lucrare prezintă câteva tehnici simple de evaluare a creşterii reale
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare studiază creşterea economică a României în cursul a trei perioade: ultimul deceniu al regimului comunist (1980-1989), tranziţia de la o economie centralizată la una de piaţă (1990-2006) şi cei şapte ani care au urmat aderării la Uniunea Europeană...
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects to a great extent the output and productivity growth. Evidence … suggests that investment growth in ICT has rapidly accelerated the TFP (total factor productivity) growth within the European … output and productivity growth. These variations come out from the problems related to the particular phenomenon proper …
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Our efforts of adjusting the political, economic, social and legislative systems emerged into a buoyant and dynamic economic environment after 2000. 
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