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One of the main globalization process effect is the increase of dependency among the economic actors. Networking is the response to the companies’ need of dealing with a high complex and liquid environment. The network brings to its members the opportunity to share risks and uncertainty. Based...
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Romanian Abstract: Riscul şi incertitudinea se află printre conceptele esenţiale ale ştiinţei managementului. De-a lungul timpului, soluţiile pentru problemele riscurilor au evoluat de la tehnici simple la metode sofisticate. În această lucrare vom aborda managementul unui risc ca pe un...
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Romanian Abstract: Studiul prezinta date statistice care arata ca jumatate din managerii care au ajuns in functii de conducere nu au studii in domeniu, nici lecturi de management. Nevoia de training si consultanta e foarte mare, dar oamenii nu vor sa aloce bani pentru educatia lor
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The paper presents the scientific works of the Romanian researcher Dimitrie Gusti in the sociology and his contribution to the development of Romanian Museum of Village.
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