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The Human Resources field, through education and lifelong learning, represent the impetus of development in the knowledge-based society. The paper presents various measures related to possible European Social Fund investments in Romania between 2007 and 2013.
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This article approaches present debates at the international level (the European Commission Untidier and DeSeCo Project of the OECD) regarding learning to learn competence and some concrete initiative developed starting from these debates.
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În literatura de specialitate s-au consacrat o serie de modele ÅŸi metode de măsurare a timpului necesar pentru a recupera decalajele dintre diferite sisteme, prin determinarea ritmului de dezvoltare pentru a ajunge la un anumit nivel de referinţă, într-o perioadă determinată...
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Romanian Abstract: Evaluarea este un element cheie în implementarea programelor finanțate în cadrul politicilor europene. Procesul a suferit în mod constant de-a lungul timpului evoluții conceptuale, perfecționări ale tehnicilor, metodelor și instrumentelor utilizate, progrese în ceea...
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The actual social-economic context determined major changes and transformations in the strategically and operational plan at the economic system and organization level. The major actual concern regards working capital insurance necessary on a short and medium period, the market quota maintenance...
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Joining the professional standards (financial audit, evaluation etc.) – required – with the ISO management standards (quality, environment, occupational safety and health, etc.) – considered voluntary – support organizations in meeting mandatory requirements and market penetration....
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Each year, companies around the world spend huge amounts for the informatisation of their activities, but the increase of the investments in this field doesn’t imply always the increase of the work productivity and profit with the same rate. The ”productivity paradox” of information...
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The main objective of the present approach is, first of all, to analyse the "transaction costs" concept and then to prove scientifically the relation transaction costs – institutions.
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