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The explicit and tacit (implicit) knowledge are defined by antithesis to obtain a clear delimitation between two concepts. It is emphasized the role of these knowledge in the communication between individuals and between firms (organizations, societies etc.). The human performance is appreciated...
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The article analyzes the training process, emphasizing some interesting aspects : the organization’s influence over the training methods, the influence of the training process over the learners etc. This paper is an integrated part of the research program “Micro and macrosystemic efficiency...
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“The human development” concept was born in a period characterized by an important number of events that have caused important changes of the geo-political factors as well as essential mutations at economic and social level. This period is known as the “post-war era”. In this era, the...
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According to Human Development report, firstly it is not the quantity that matters, for the human delopment, but the quality of economical growth. Very often, the governments, especially the ones in transitory countries, don’t consider the improvement of the quaqlity of economical growth and...
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Human development and social cohesion are not only important component, but essential premises and powerful drivers of sustainable development also.
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Aceasta lucrare descrie rolul pe care il au instrumentele extraordinare in reexaminarea unei politici publice. Accentul este pus pe comisiile regale, care au ca scop asigurarea revizuirii fundamentale a politicilor publice. Necesitatea utilizarii Comisiilor regale in solutionarea problemelor din...
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Cele mai multe studii si cercetari efectuate in domeniul calitatii serviciilor evidentiaza faptul ca baza evaluarii calitatii serviciului este experienta individuala a clientului cu un anumit serviciu. Cercetarile care promoveaza aceasta idee se regasesc atat in "scoala europeana" (mai exact,...
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Acest articol pune accentul pe rolul cunostintelor in organizatiile publice si pe modul in care acestea pot fi transferate de la o generatie la alta, luandu-se in considerare faptul ca fiecare generatie in parte are specificul ei. In aceasta lucrare sunt evidentiate de asemenea si principalele...
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Cetatenii au tendinta de a se implica in viata publica a comunitatii din care fac parte atunci cand simt ca opinia lor contreaza si este luata in considerare de catre autoritati. La modul general este acceptata ideea ca majoritatea cetatenilor nu au un punct de vedere pertinent vis-a-vis de o...
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Locuirea urbana constituie rezultatul complexelor functii socio-economice la nivel de grup si individuale care au loc in spatiul orasului. Calitatea urbana consta in gradul de confort de care beneficiaza populatia orasului, mai ridicat decat in restul teritoriului, rezultat al nivelului de...
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