Showing 1 - 9 of 9
them for stimulating the emergence of alternative methods of financing business operations and cooperation in production …
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The study is beginning with some statistical data illustrating that the intellectual lies among the branches of the social sciences are very weak.
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Seen from migrants’ point of view, migration exceeds in good parts, usually forgetting the negative aspects. At the state level, however, shows that migration and development are mutual relations. The main discrepancy developed between a developed North and a developing South does not...
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The paper focuses on the very important atopic of organizational transition and change resistance. It is divided in four parts. The first part deals with transition inevitability and its content in the change process. The second part of the paper refers to the change resistance. After a short...
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O noua forma de organizatie-intreprinderea comunitara- asigura un mecanism alternativ pentru corporatii de a se comporta responsabil social. Intreprinderile comunitare se deosebesc de celelalte organizatii din sectorul al treilea prin generarea de venit prin tranzactie mai degraba decat prin...
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In acest articol sunt prezentate cele cinci categorii de actori implicati in procesul politicilor publice: oficialii alesi, oficialii numiti (functionarii publici), grupurile de interese, organizatiile de cercetare si mass media. Aceste categorii de actori nu sunt omogene, datorita faptului ca...
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Termenul de oras inteligent se refera la abilitatea administratiei orasului de a colabora cu stakeholderii din mediul urban in scopul obtinerii unor beneficii reciproce. Aparitia oraselor inteligente necesita o colaborare intensa intre municipalitate si sectorul public, dar si intre aceasta si...
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Challenged by UE adhesion objective, Romania made significant steps in structural reform, inducing major changes in local business environment. According to last World Bank Report, titled Business in 2006, Romania is placed in top of reformers who act for business environment improvements,...
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Articolul analizeaza stakeholderii din punct de vedere al politicilor de guvernare electronica, al accesului la serviciile de guvernare electronica si al infrastructurii de guvernare electronica. Principalii stakeholderi implicati in guvernarea electronica sunt cetatenii, mediul de afaceri si...
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