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Strategic management and greater policy coherence of Romania’s human resources is needed taking into account the …
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This study presents a concise analyse about the demographic evolutions and the last indicators of labour market in Moldavia Republic as well the trends and implications of this realities in European integration perspective and the development of a strong market economy
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Romanian Abstract: În articol se analizează diferite aspecte ale fenomenului migrației și al statutului juridic al străinului expuse în diverse lucrări științifice și surse mass-media, atât la nivel național cât și internațional. Se argumentează necesitatea și actualitatea...
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The number of victims made by the tsunami in Southeast Asia is frightening. The available data indicate over 300.000 victims, to whom we must add several hundred thousands of injured people and over 1.75 million people left homeless. The survivors have to deal with the crude truth: the loss of...
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Romanian Abstract: Cea de a patra revoluție industrială, caracterizată prin proliferareaenergiilor verzi, prin impactul deosebit al Internetului, extinderea robotizării,biotehnologiilor, nanotehnologiei, microeletronicii, materialelor avansate, prin apariția șiextinderea rapidă a...
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This paper refers only to the performance in didactic process, that is, in the activities of didactic personnel with the students. The study is based on the author’s experience in some programs conducted within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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The general labor protection norms,ed.2002 – oblige the employers to “let the employees know the personal policy of preventing the labor accidents and professional illness which will be oriented exclusively towards the implementation of a management system of security and labor health”....
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The explicit and tacit (implicit) knowledge are defined by antithesis to obtain a clear delimitation between two concepts. It is emphasized the role of these knowledge in the communication between individuals and between firms (organizations, societies etc.). The human performance is appreciated...
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In this work it is shown that the role of the knowledge management in organizations is to create a work environment that promotes creation, distribution, storage and use of knowledge. The explicit management of knowledge through distribution and storage of knowledge in different ways, promote...
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