Showing 1 - 10 of 37
significance to the worked out surveys. In fact, the very purpose of the economic activity consists of increasing welfare and, as …
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mentioned by the fundamental law, sometimes. The researchers in local finances and local governments have defined this principle … autonomy combined with good management based on productivity of public goods which allowed welfare of local public … present with impact in the welfare of the local entities. …
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higher education. Numerical calibrations of the model show that social welfare is lower in an economy with educational …
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Romanian Abstract: Patrimoniul de afectaţiune este privit fie ca întreaga afacere a unui agent economic, fie ca o parte din afacerea acestuia.Aplicarea procedurii insolvenţei împotriva agentului economic persoană juridică va produce efecte şi asupra patrimoniilor sale de afectaţiune,...
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European Union law cannot have a purely theoretical purpose (e.g. the Court Ordinance of October 7, 2013 in case C-82/13) but a … from the CJEU is very important to evaluate the implications of the CJEU jurisprudence in the law of the member states and …
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Challenges triggered by the current economic and financial crisis are multiple. In the short term the main challenge is finding solutions that will restore investor confidence and long-term consumatorilor.Pe, the main challenge is to adjust the principles that guide the international financial...
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The re-launching of the Romanian economy in the context of the world economic crisis can be implemented by using a set of principles and economic measures that will lead to a strict monetary policy, a fiscal and budgetary discipline as well as a reduction of the inflation. This paper presents a...
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Investment companies are exploring the best opportunities on financial markets for financial instruments transactions in order to optimize the portfolio structure and to diversify the risk. Trading the financial derivatives is assumed to be one of the most efficient methods to increase the...
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Evolutia sectorului financiar-bancar pe parcursul ultimelor decade a fost marcata de schimbari majore ale mediului de afaceri, datorate in principal privatizarii, diminuarii restrictiilor legislative si modificarilor tehnologice survenite in cadrul acestui sector economic. Analiza mediului de...
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­The literature devoted to economic development concerns itself in a growing de­gree with the role and importance of institutions­­­
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