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mandatory requirements and market penetration. Fulfilling the standards, the organizations can develop an effective strategy to …
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explains the different levels of efficiency in modern times. The founders of institutionalism – in its old and new versions … and market. For Romania, such explanations are inspirational and of utmost necessity in presenting the real context and in …
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Most important problem for romanian economists today is not represented by the possibility of accession or by the date of this. Every researcher who studies these scientific aspects is preoccupied by the problem of convergence potential. This paper is focused even in try to relive that the...
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metrics for software components and systems, including processing speed, utilization, throughput, reliability, availability …Software performance and evaluation have four basic needs: (1) well-defined performance testing strategy, requirements …, and focuses, (2) correct and effective performance evaluation models, (3) well-defined performance metrics, and (4) cost …
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Using a simplified approach it may be stated that the financial accounting theoretical framework is structured on three levels. At the first level, reference is made to the accounting objectives. These objectives are fundamental for the theoretical framework. At the second level, we find the...
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In this paper we analyzed the public policy planning and making process at central level in Romania. In recent years …
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strategies that could be considered for its development and its becoming a real competitor on the world market. A strategic … planning leads to a sustainable tourism development. …
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Toate intreprinderile din zilele noastre, indiferent de domeniul in care acestea isi desfasoara activitatea, opereaza intr-un mediu de marketing ce se confrunta cu o serie de incertitudini. Astfel, pentru ca o intreprindere sa aiba succes pe o anumita piata, aceasta trebuie sa fie supusa in...
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O intreprindere care doreste sa aiba succes in cadrul oricarei piete, trebuie sa desfasoare un proces de planificare, la fiecare din cele trei niveluri de conducere, ce constituie ierarhia decizionala a acesteia. In literatura de marketing si management strategic cele trei niveluri de adoptare a...
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