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uneducated and low-income individuals do not have access to information being unable to save/ invest and participate in the …
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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In teoria firmei, in mod natural se pleaca de la premisa ca firma actioneaza ca scop maximizarea profitului. Daca ar fi sa analizam activitatea firmelor, in ansamblu, am putea descoperi ca nu toate programele pe care acestea le deruleaza se inscriu in acest deziderat de maximizare a profitului....
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Scopul acestui articol este de a prezenta modelele cele mai folosite pentru descrierea comportamentului gospodăriilor, cu aplicaţii la gospodăriile populaţiei din România. In literatură sunt două tipuri de modele mai răspndite, modelul utilităţii comune, care este o generalizare a...
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Poverty represents a life aspect which is focusing the attention of both the macroeconomic analysis and the international comparisons. In order to measure the level being recorded by this phenomenon, there is a system of indicators which are used in order to underline, in a correlated manner, a...
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Capital and the work are not perfectly replaceable in accomplishing a constant level of income. The continuous addition … the firm as being optimal for obtaining a certain income in the future. The long-term capital demand of the firm depending … on the normal level of the production is relatively independent of the current level of income and it depends on the …
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