Showing 1 - 10 of 31
Romanian Abstract: În contextul actualei crize economice, reducerea costurilor are o importanţă deosebită în orice domeniu de activitate. Totodată, conformarea cu cerinţele de mediu reprezintă de asemenea un factor esenţial. Datorită acestor aspecte, analiza eco-economică,...
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Romanian Abstract: În contextul dezvoltării regionale şi globale, monitorizarea mediului şi găsirea unor soluţii pentru depăşirea provocărilor legate de mediu prezintă o mare importanţă şi aduce o mulţime de beneficii din punct de vedere socio-economic. Scopul acestei lucrări este...
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In the Eulerian approach the behavior of the atmospheric pollutants is described relative to a fixed coordinate system. Thus the pollutant concentration is a function depending on the system coordinates and must satisfy the material balance taken over a volume element. Expressed mathematically,...
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The present study wishes to bring to the attention of the reader the alarming impact that the common benzene molecule has on the environment, with unimaginable implications on the human being. Although it has a great economic importance, being used in many industries, specialists are underlining...
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Protecţia mediului a devenit o preocupare majoră afişată de majoritatea agenţilor economici în comportamentul lor social, politic şi din ce în ce mai mult în cel economic. Fără îndoială, acest interes colectiv are la bază ideea că resursele mediului nu sunt mereu exploatate corect...
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In the paper, considerations on the destruction process of the stratospheric ozone by substances emitted by anthropogenic pollution sources and which reach in the stratosphere by transport from the troposphere are presented. In the stratosphere, the lifetime of these substances is less than in...
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The deterioration of the environment is caused by the existence of large urban agglomeration whose main problem is that these are areas where are converging progressive forces which ensure the development of the society on the one hand, as well phenomenon which emphasizes the degradation of the...
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Romanian Abstract: Costurile pot reprezenta un aspect important al deciziilor din afaceri. Cunoaşterea principalelor componente ale costurilor poate fi utilă în planificarea financiară. În plus, comparaţia dintre costul şi preţul unui produs facilitează studiul profitabilităţii...
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The work presents a connotative periplus and an evaluation of one of the most dynamic business fields- logistics. Although used for a long time in the military department, logistics has affirmed itself relatively recent in business field, where it brought revolutionary contributions and where it...
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