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Consumer protection is an activity rather new in Romania where from political reasons there were no preoccupations in this area before 1990. After the transition at the market economy it was very clear that Romania needed to create a law system for the protection of the consumers, coherent,...
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Successful economic development is a process of successive upgrading. As nations develop, they progress in terms of their characteristic competitive advantage and modes of competing.
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Romanian Abstract: Această lucrare propune un instrument economic menit a evalua caracterul (pro)concurențial al diverselor industrii din economia națională. În prima parte a lucrării este prezentat suportul teoretic pe care se bazează indicele agregat de presiune concurențială (IAPC)...
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Romanian Abstract: Sectorul telecomunicațiilor mobile a cunoscut perioade diferite de dezvoltare la nivelul Uniunii Europene. Deşi există numeroase reglementări în acest sector la nivelul uniunii cu care Statele Membre trebuie să se conformeze, sunt şi multiple diferențe între aceste...
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The subject of outsourcing has become more and more discussed during the past few years in our country.  …
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