Showing 1 - 10 of 36
Romanian Abstract: Uneori, pentru a înțelege procesele economice influențate semnificativ de factori psihologici, socio-culturali sau politici sunt necesare abordările comportamentale. Este cazul politicilor fiscale și monetare a căror eficacitate depinde de reacțiile indivizilor și...
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Stadiul actual de dezvoltare al Uniunii Europene este corespunzător derulării proceselor de armonizare necesare realizării stării de echilibru macroeconomic – etapă necesară dezvoltării ulterioare către stadiul de sustenabilitate economică. Toate conceptele şi planurile utilizate în...
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The study has as its objectives, to determine the influence of price volatility and price expectation in the rate of inflation as a measure of the price level. In addition, the study sought to evaluate ipso facto the extent to which monetary policy has influenced inflation by reducing price...
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America is at the half way of the road and the time of the definitive imposing seems to have arrived. After a world-wide bi-polar power system (SUA-URSS), it can pass to a unique-polar power system avoiding a multi�polarities system dangerous at world-wide scale. Pax Americana remains a main...
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The paper analyses the presuppositions (often implicit) the actual quantitative and logical modelling is based on. In the context, some points of view are proposed, aimed at to eliminate or reduce the incertitude and vagueness generated by the actual way of understanding the macroeconomic modelling.
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Romanian Abstract: Componentele importante ale poverii fiscale suportate de angajaţi includ impozitul pe venit şi contribuţiile pentru asigurările sociale obligatorii stabilite asupra salariilor. Această lucrare furnizează câteva exemple asupra modului în care aceste prelevări fiscale...
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Most of the international commercial transactions consist of merchandise and capital flows. The fluidization of these flows implies special financing techniques or the use of some payment instruments adequate to the purpose: minimum risk, time and cost. The payment sources or instruments can...
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