Showing 1 - 10 of 76
The fabrication of high performance materials using EPDM rubber and polyethylene mixtures with a low cost, nonpolluting and minimum investment technology is studied. These new materials can be used for obtaining a lot of goods for the economy, sport and private life..
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Romanian Abstract: Un fenomen cu un impact puternic asupra pieţelor petroliere internaţionale l-aconstituit declinul sever al preţurilor principalelor ţiţeiuri de referinţă din comerţul internaţional(Brent şi WTI), de la 105,7 $/baril, în iunie 2014, la 36 $/baril, în decembrie...
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In the last years there have bean many attempts to elaborate strategies for economic and energetic development in Romania, but the unsteadiness of the political frame produces changes of legislative frame. In that social, economical and political context some components of those strategies have...
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Ensuring the good functioning of the world economy, the rising trends of oil prices, as well as the strong awareness of environment protection issues, have brought the sustained promotion of alternative energy sources. Bio fuels, as possible substitutes for gasoline and diesel, have acquired a...
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Romanian Abstract: În contextul dezvoltării regionale şi globale, monitorizarea mediului şi găsirea unor soluţii pentru depăşirea provocărilor legate de mediu prezintă o mare importanţă şi aduce o mulţime de beneficii din punct de vedere socio-economic. Scopul acestei lucrări este...
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Romanian Abstract: Scopul acestei lucrări constă în evidenţierea apariţiei şi evoluţiei conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă. Principalul obiectiv al lucrării de faţă îl constituie abordarea principalelor definiţii date conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă, precum şi rolul acestora...
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Romanian Abstract: Schimbările climatice reprezintǎ ameninţări tot mai mari pentruagricultură, ducând la scǎderea randamentelor de producţie şi la creşterea presiunilorasupra resurselor de apă şi a calităţii solului. Pe de altǎ parte, în contextul tendinţelordemografice...
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Phenomena that take place at a global level, beyond any control of national governments are subject of great controversies. Even if there is a little knowledge about how to control these processes, scientists are interested in assessing effects of globalization. Because a large part of the...
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The deterioration of the environment is caused by the existence of large urban agglomeration whose main problem is that these are areas where are converging progressive forces which ensure the development of the society on the one hand, as well phenomenon which emphasizes the degradation of the...
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Romanian retailing is in a period of changes, not always positive, which had modified its characteristics. Among positive changes it could be mentioned: the appearance and the extending of private property, the presence of some great foreign firms, the improving of commercial technologies, the...
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