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In the Eulerian approach the behavior of the atmospheric pollutants is described relative to a fixed coordinate system. Thus the pollutant concentration is a function depending on the system coordinates and must satisfy the material balance taken over a volume element. Expressed mathematically,...
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In the current document we are referring to the existing data concerning the impact that benzene - which is one of the most important components of different types of fuels - has on Bucharest and on its inhabitants. We are also trying to present possible solutions to this serious problem which...
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In the Lagrangian approach to the turbulent diffusion the species concentrations are described relative to the moving fluid. This approach is concerned with the behavior of the fluid particle existing in a carrying turbulent fluid. Lagrangian theory describes the statistics of the pollutant...
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The present study wishes to bring to the attention of the reader the alarming impact that the common benzene molecule has on the environment, with unimaginable implications on the human being. Although it has a great economic importance, being used in many industries, specialists are underlining...
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the techniques for producing electricity, scheme that will be used to evaluate future development scenarios for the … electricity generation sector. In the second part of the paper will be presented a case study, in which, by applying the … integrated analysis scheme, a total of seven electricity production techniques that use traditional fuels, namely oil, natural …
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol se axează pe situaţiile financiare previzionate întocmite prin utilizarea metodei procentului din vânzări. Sunt prezentate avantajele şi dezavantajele acestei metode. De asemenea este prezentat şi un exemplu practice
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Romanian Abstract: Derularea profitabilă a oricărei afaceri presupune printre multe altele necesitatea unei organizări riguroase, atât la nivel structural, cât şi procesual, precum şi un sistem Pornind de la aceste considerente, în cadrul cercetării doctorale ne-am propus să...
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Romanian Abstract: Creşterea rapidă a aportului turismului la realizarea Produsului Intern Brut (PIB) a determinat producerea unor mutaţii majore privind formele şi metodele de organizare şi efectuare a serviciilor turistice şi, ca urmare, s-a amplificat nevoia în timp real de informaţii...
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