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Production Operations Management must ensure the quality of functional stability of production considering the input variables, environment disturbances as well as market requests dynamics. That is why operations management takes action over structural components, system input variables,...
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In this article we intend to present a comparative approach between three recognized international methodologies for risk management: RISKMAN, Project Management Institute Methodology-PMBoK and Project Risk Analysis and Management Guide (produced by Association for Project Management).
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English Abstract: Project management is a complex form of economic activity based on three dimensions: objective, cost …
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Romanian Abstract:Diseminarea cunoaşterii reprezintă un vector important al creşterii economice. Prin urmare, cunoaşterea bunelor practici la nivel internaţional în domeniul managementului d e proiect duce la îmbunătăţirea activităţii factorilor de decizie din ţara noastră, atât...
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Romanian Abstract: Investiţiile străine directe constituie o modalitate de completare a surselor interne de finanţare a unei economii. Acestea pot contribui la dezvoltarea sustenabilă a ţării gazdă în anumite situaţii. Dar investiţiile străine directe pot avea şi efecte negative...
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Optimizarea unei zone monetare, în sensul unei funcţionări viabile pe termen lung, se fundamentează pe capacitatea acesteia de a gestiona şocurile asimetrice care tind să se propage în interior. Un şoc macroeconomic comun propagat în cadrul tuturor subsistemelor poate fi asimetric în...
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Urban systems are becoming increasingly complex as urban economies, social and political structures and norms, infrastructure systems and technologies evolve. Therefore, the development of operational urban simulation models is required in order to achieve an improvement of the quality of...
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The Oracle OLAP option of Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition provides advanced analytic features to help us to summarize, analyze and calculate data faster than standard SQL. In this article I discussed about the CWM2, a set of PL/SQL packages which are using to create the OLAP Catalog...
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