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Romanian abstract: Aceasta revista trateaza subiecte de istorie, istorie economica, arheologie, sociologie istorica, istorie literara si culturala.English abstract: This journal is about history studies, economics history, cultural history, archaeology, sociology, literature
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Romanian Abstract: Acest articol își propune să prezinte câteva considerente în ceea ce privește consecințele juridice care decurg din încălcarea prevederilor legislației de concurență, mai precis a art.5 și 6 din Legea concurenței nr.21/1996, republicată, cu modificările și...
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Romanian Abstract: Piaţa internă şi politica de protecţie a concurenţei sunt doi piloni centraliai procesului de integrare europeană. Dificultăţile generate de criza financiară şi economicădin UE au determinat Comisia Europeană să identifice şi să adopte măsurile adecvate...
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We do not support the intervention of the state in the economy. Considering that freedom has its price. Only that, here it is, the Resolution of the European Parliament since March, 25t h 2010, referring to the effects of the world financial and economical crisis on the developing countries,...
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Nicolas Fouquet, superintendent for the Financing system in France, was judged in December 1664, for the embezzlement of public funds. His process was not meant to be a glory for Louis XIVth : irregularities, tricks of evidences, pressures on witnesses have allowed the Court to partially give a...
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