Showing 1 - 6 of 6
Romanian Abstract: Contribuţia sectorului energetic la producerea schimbărilor climatice este considerată deosebit de importantă, în special prin efectele produse de arderea combustibililor fosili, emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera generate de această activitate fiind considerate una...
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Romanian Abstract: În contextul actualei crize economice, reducerea costurilor are o importanţă deosebită în orice domeniu de activitate. Totodată, conformarea cu cerinţele de mediu reprezintă de asemenea un factor esenţial. Datorită acestor aspecte, analiza eco-economică,...
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In the convergence programme approved by the Hungarian government in September 2006, the "overriding objective" was to promote real convergence. This paper analyses the problems surrounding real convergence, in light of the broader correlations of economic growth relying heavily on the results...
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Aspectele măsurabile ale procesului de realizare a convergenÅ£ei pe plan economic, a ţărilor UE reprezintă obiectivul principal al acestei lucrări. În acest scop, sunt prezentate ÅŸi aplicate metode statistice ÅŸi econometrice care pot evidenÅ£ia elementele caracteristice...
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The purpose of the paper is to present an efficient instrument for simulation and research of inflation and its determinants in Romania, with a focus on the short-term impact of changes in money, foreign exchange and wage policies and controlled prices as well as the impact of external shocks as...
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Most of the international commercial transactions consist of merchandise and capital flows. The fluidization of these flows implies special financing techniques or the use of some payment instruments adequate to the purpose: minimum risk, time and cost. The payment sources or instruments can...
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