Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Romanian Abstract: Sesizarea CJUE pentru pronunţarea unor hotărâri prealbile cu privire la interpretara dreptului Uniunii Europene nu poate avea un scop pur teoretic (de ex. Ordonanţa Curţii din 7 octombrie 2013 în cauza C-82/13) ci unul în mod necesar practic, de natură a permite...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă opiniile jurisprudenţiale diferite, ilustrate cu extrase din hotărâri judecătoreşti, referitoare la modul de stabilire a cuantumului veniturilor obţinute din activităţi remunerate de beneficiarii anumitor categorii de pensii în scopul verificării...
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The paper illustrates the contribution of the education to the economic development. The main analyzed aspects are: a short history of the education’s contribution to the economic development, the principals modalities of influence and the negative effects of the lack of education and over...
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Investment process in the health sector presents some peculiarities because the purpose of investment is not economic one that could be evaluated in terms of benefits or value-added growth, but is a social little more difficult to assess quantitative. In these circumstances, the classic effect /...
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În literatura de specialitate s-au consacrat o serie de modele ÅŸi metode de măsurare a timpului necesar pentru a recupera decalajele dintre diferite sisteme, prin determinarea ritmului de dezvoltare pentru a ajunge la un anumit nivel de referinţă, într-o perioadă determinată...
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The success of the education system in Romania will be possible only through a network of long-term educational viable universities on an increasingly demanding and more aware market. Consequently, higher education studies institutions will have to meet as soon as possible the requirements of...
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Human development and social cohesion are not only important component, but essential premises and powerful drivers of sustainable development also.
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This paper refers only to the performance in didactic process, that is, in the activities of didactic personnel with the students. The study is based on the author’s experience in some programs conducted within the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies.
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The paper presents the knowledge concept in both classical and contemporary vision and analyze the knowledge as a production factor. In the same time, the paper illustrates the influence of the knowledge over the higher education system, through some specific elements (Internet, electronic book,...
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This paper presents the two most important factors that influence the development of quality management in education: the globalization and the sustainable development. The four well known quality management principles (Deming) can be adapted and implemented in the education system case, too.
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