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The anthropologists have pointed out the existence of many thinking currents and schools in the field of organizational culture. The study of this culture became more and more important as the transnational companies have developed day by day. Having in mind the process of internationalization...
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A person’s credibility within an organization, for a leader especially, can’t be separated by his professional competence. This is more important if we pay attention to his position within the hierarchy, what means that he can influence to a large extent the use of existing resources, with...
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Romanian Abstract: Criza globală care a afectat întreaga Planetă Pământ ne-a demonstrat că nu suntem pregătiţi pentru a face faţă provocărilor tot mai complexe ale momentului. Tranziţia la societatea sănătoasă de mâine, pe care am numit-o societatea ecolonomică presupune...
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The study is beginning with some statistical data illustrating that the intellectual lies among the branches of the social sciences are very weak.
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The paper presents the role of the National Radio in socialization process. Also, the author analyses the Majestic Experiment for the radio theatre audition with students.
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Această lucrare scoate în evidenţă importanţa implicării personalului bancar în procesul de ameliorare continuă a calităţii serviciilor oferite clienţilor. Fără implicarea angajaţilor în demersul calităţii, nici o teorie sau idee formulată şi susţinută de conducerea de vârf...
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The term "electronic banking" or "ebanking" covers both computer and telephone banking. Using computer banking, a charity’s computer either dials directly into its bank's computer or gains access to the bank’s computer over the internet. Using telephone banking, the charity controls its bank...
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The IT revolutions change the economic behaviour until the microeconomic level.
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The main objective of the present approach is, first of all, to analyse the "transaction costs" concept and then to prove scientifically the relation transaction costs – institutions.
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This article explores the development of the Romanian retail market, the recent evolutions on this market and the impact of the recent conflict between the retailers and the Romanian producers, starting from current questions not only in Romania but also at European level. The beginning of this...
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