Showing 1 - 10 of 26
Pentru finansarea activitatii o firma apeleaza la doua categorii de surse financiare: surse proprii si surse imprumutate. Cele doua categorii de surse de finantare identificate se completeaza reciproc, existand anumite proportii intre acestea care trebuie respectate, deoarece apelarea la credite...
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This article proposes to bring to the specialists’ attention to the necessity of a redefinition of some concepts and the introduction of new concepts, so that to be ensured a sharp, coherent and interdisciplinary understanding of any organisation as a natural system with complex self...
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This survey analyzes two types of models: 1. Models based on assumptions of monetary and financial market equilibrium disturbance in line with mainstream thinking to believe that is self-regulating market, the units would have rational expectations, an the crisis would be a temporary phenomenon...
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The study has as its objectives, to determine the influence of price volatility and price expectation in the rate of inflation as a measure of the price level. In addition, the study sought to evaluate ipso facto the extent to which monetary policy has influenced inflation by reducing price...
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New tax rules with effect from 1 May 2009 with a series of changes on the tax deductibility of the value added acquisitions related to transport and fuel use. The measure is very obvious nature of politics in order to bring the state budget amounts as required under the current government crisis...
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Romanian Abstract: Previziunea cheltuielilor curente ale perioadei de exploatare este o fazǎ importantǎ a planificǎrii financiare pentru deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda unele metode de previziune a cheltuielilor generate de salarii şi de consumul de...
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Romanian Abstract: Planificarea financiarǎ joacǎ un rol major în procesul decizional asupra antreprenoriatului, oferind o imagine a eforturilor şi remuneraţiilor la care se poate aştepta întreprinzǎtorul. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda douǎ dintre etapele procesului de planificare...
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Les transactions effectuées dans le marché globale de capital (qui a le principal component le marché boursier) et les investissements étrangers directs nécessitent une information préalable pour les investiteurs qui ont des fonds pour être placés. Dans ces conditions les informations...
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The measure of the economic value has become a widely debated issue because, nowadays, more and more companies are focusing on creating value for their shareholders.
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