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In conditions of high exchange rate volatility, entities conducting foreign trade transactions are subject to currency risk exposures, which may have a significant impact on financial performance and operating profitability. The research approach is oriented to identify the possibility to...
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Aspectele măsurabile ale procesului de realizare a convergenÅ£ei pe plan economic, a ţărilor UE reprezintă obiectivul principal al acestei lucrări. În acest scop, sunt prezentate ÅŸi aplicate metode statistice ÅŸi econometrice care pot evidenÅ£ia elementele caracteristice...
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Debates on the financing needs registered a firm levels were a constant concern of specialists but especially managers. Majority opinion is that the financing of investment must be made by sources having character of permanence. However, a problem whose answer is not easily determined is the...
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The continuous liberalization of the international trade and foreign investments has established a political framework which promote the economical international relations. The liberalization has allowed the new technologies to be used on the international markets. A lot of countries become more...
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The economic crisis has stopped the Romanians consumerism momentum. The perspective of job loss, changes in exchange rate or the inflation made many people to be extremely cautious when contract a loan for fear they can not repay it. In this paper we intend a retrospective analysis of housing...
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The purpose of the paper is to present an efficient instrument for simulation and research of inflation and its determinants in Romania, with a focus on the short-term impact of changes in money, foreign exchange and wage policies and controlled prices as well as the impact of external shocks as...
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Romanian Abstract: Coeficienţii ecuaţiilor asociate trendurilor polinomiale seriilor de timp pot fi identificaţi prin intermediul unor regresii multiple liniare. Această lucrare oferă un exemplu de estimare a parametrilor unui trend cvadratic
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Romanian Abstract: Parametrii ecuaţiilor unor trenduri neliniare pot fi estimaţi, cu ajutorul unor transformări aplicate variabilei dependente sau celei independente, prin intermediul unor regresii simple liniare. Această lucrare abordează identificarea a două tipuri de astfel de trenduri:...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza trendului este o componentă importantă a unei investigaţii asupra evoluţiei unei variabile. Rezultatele acesteia pot servi în aprecierea tendinţei fiind utile, totodată, în prognoze. În această lucrare este abordată estimarea trendurilor seriilor de timp...
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Romanian Abstract: Ajustarea seriilor de timp financiare poate facilita identificarea unor caracteristici importante precum trendul, ciclicitatea sau sezonalitatea. Poate fi, de asemenea, utilǎ în prognoza evoluţiei unor variabile financiare. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda câteva metode...
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