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In this paper we analyzed the public policy planning and making process at central level in Romania. In recent years … environment for regulation elaboration. As a result of this analysis, we found that the improvement of public policy making …
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planning leads to a sustainable tourism development. …
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Toate intreprinderile din zilele noastre, indiferent de domeniul in care acestea isi desfasoara activitatea, opereaza intr-un mediu de marketing ce se confrunta cu o serie de incertitudini. Astfel, pentru ca o intreprindere sa aiba succes pe o anumita piata, aceasta trebuie sa fie supusa in...
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O intreprindere care doreste sa aiba succes in cadrul oricarei piete, trebuie sa desfasoare un proces de planificare, la fiecare din cele trei niveluri de conducere, ce constituie ierarhia decizionala a acesteia. In literatura de marketing si management strategic cele trei niveluri de adoptare a...
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To obtain the established objectives from the general strategy, the enterprises have to adapt theirs policies and decisions to the real conditions in which they function. The adoption of such a set of tools is not always an easy action, because one always has to take into account the reciprocal...
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conditions of restructuring economy in general and industry in particular we consider that the flexibility of human resources …
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The flexibility concept within the company may be better understand if we will analyse the connection with other … concepts. In this paper we will try to present the influence of the flexibility over the diversity and change. …
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This work is based on Prospect theory, which was developed by D. Kahneman and A. Tversky in 1979. This is one the most quoted and best-documented point of view in economic psychology. First of all, it replaces, once again, the notion of utility with value. But value is defined in terms of gains...
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