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At this time Romania is across some ireversible and highly interesting processes for the accounting: the number and power of international companies is increasing; the globalisation of the economies, mostly the financial market; the increasing of the stock capitalisation and the development of...
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Given that the objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an economic unit, useful for a wide range of users in making economic decisions, particular attention should be paid to the profit and loss account,...
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The globalization is a worldwide phenomenon active even in accounting and decision makers area. The extension and multiplication of international economic relationships, within the wares and capital markets are developing in a rapid rhythm, over the national borders, requires the accounting...
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Scope of the economies of countries and manner of operation in various business entities and institutions creates the amount and importance of information as a whole. Diversity of the structure of information conceives the method and the need for its distribution to those who are interested in...
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Romanian Abstract: Analiza profitabilitǎţii produselor joacǎ un rol major în deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda câteva tehnici simple utilizate în previziune a costurilor, în aprecierea eficienţei produselor şi în evaluarea impactului volumului...
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Romanian Abstract: Previziunea cheltuielilor curente ale perioadei de exploatare este o fazǎ importantǎ a planificǎrii financiare pentru deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda unele metode de previziune a cheltuielilor generate de salarii şi de consumul de...
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Romanian Abstract: Planificarea financiarǎ joacǎ un rol major în procesul decizional asupra antreprenoriatului, oferind o imagine a eforturilor şi remuneraţiilor la care se poate aştepta întreprinzǎtorul. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda douǎ dintre etapele procesului de planificare...
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Schimbarea poate fi abordata intr-o mare varietate de moduri. Nu exista o strategie eficienta in orice imprejurare; abordarea sau combinatia de abordari va reflecta propria evaluare in privinta a ceea ce se potriveste cel mai bine schimbarii particulare. In acest context descriem cateva din...
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This paperworks present what can e-commerce offer to small an medium enterprises, the functions of enterprises that can be extended using e-commerce. Some of the main operation are explained using adequate examples. There are presented here also the advantages of ecommerce.
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The purpose of this paper is to analyse the advantages of the adjusted present value – as a new method of valuing companies and projects - and compare them with the already famous net present value.
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