Showing 1 - 10 of 21
The deterioration of the environment is caused by the existence of large urban agglomeration whose main problem is that … phenomenon which emphasizes the degradation of the human civilization and the environment, on the other hand, in this way being …
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Romanian retailing is in a period of changes, not always positive, which had modified its characteristics. Among positive changes it could be mentioned: the appearance and the extending of private property, the presence of some great foreign firms, the improving of commercial technologies, the...
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English Abstract: In the context of local and global development, monitoring the environment and finding solutions for …
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Romanian Abstract: Scopul acestei lucrări constă în evidenţierea apariţiei şi evoluţiei conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă. Principalul obiectiv al lucrării de faţă îl constituie abordarea principalelor definiţii date conceptului de dezvoltare durabilă, precum şi rolul acestora...
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Romanian Abstract: Schimbările climatice reprezintǎ ameninţări tot mai mari pentruagricultură, ducând la scǎderea randamentelor de producţie şi la creşterea presiunilorasupra resurselor de apă şi a calităţii solului. Pe de altǎ parte, în contextul tendinţelordemografice...
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global means going richer. But there is an other side of the coin – environment. If environmental effects are to be …
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In this paper we present an alternative bio-epistemological-based approach to economic ethics issues, which suggests that economists need not only an understanding of the ecosystem in terms of irreversibility, but even more, an understanding of the way the process in ecosystem make actual the...
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Providers<strong> </strong>of energy and energy-intensive products all over the world will face at least a decade of uncertainty, generated by the unprecedented mutations taking place in the global economy.
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The paper is aimed at reviewing and analyzing the main concepts and phenomena that could be counted as generative factors for the sustainable financial source.
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