Showing 1 - 10 of 32
Toate intreprinderile din zilele noastre, indiferent de domeniul in care acestea isi desfasoara activitatea, opereaza intr-un mediu de marketing ce se confrunta cu o serie de incertitudini. Astfel, pentru ca o intreprindere sa aiba succes pe o anumita piata, aceasta trebuie sa fie supusa in...
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O intreprindere care doreste sa aiba succes in cadrul oricarei piete, trebuie sa desfasoare un proces de planificare, la fiecare din cele trei niveluri de conducere, ce constituie ierarhia decizionala a acesteia. In literatura de marketing si management strategic cele trei niveluri de adoptare a...
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planning leads to a sustainable tourism development. …
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In this paper we analyzed the public policy planning and making process at central level in Romania. In recent years …
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The article analyzes the necessity for studying the efficiency in the education area. In the same time, the discussion is focused on the main perspective of efficiency’s analysis: classical perspective and systemic perspective. This paper is an integrated part of the research program Micro and...
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Each year, companies around the world spend huge amounts for the informatisation of their activities, but the increase of the investments in this field doesn’t imply always the increase of the work productivity and profit with the same rate. The ”productivity paradox” of information...
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The paper illustrates the contribution of the education to the economic development. The main analyzed aspects are: a short history of the education’s contribution to the economic development, the principals modalities of influence and the negative effects of the lack of education and over...
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Tourism has become an important sector that has an impact on development of country economy. The main benefits of tourism are income creation and generation of jobs. For many regions and countries it is the most important source of welfare. The ability of the national economy to benefit from...
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Financial markets and institutions have a main role for national economy development. A lot of transactions which offer opportunities for making profit are realizing on the capital market as a segment of financial market. The paper includes analysis of the meaning and the role of financial...
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