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For the organizations which are involved in tourism, efficiency is conditioned, among other determinants, by the … coordination and harmonization of all participants’ efforts from the specific activities chain: tourism services suppliers, tour … from certain tourism attractions, they take upon themselves the fabrication of those products that are required by tourists …
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In ultima perioada, din ce in ce mai multe surse vorbesc dspre un nou tip de consumator, cel ecologist. Unii dintre acestia cumpara produse agroalimentare ecologice sau organice. Producatorii au inceput sa se adapteze acestor noi consumatori formati mai degraba din cei care vor sa aiba grija de...
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Scopul prezentei lucrari este de a pune in evidenta gradul de importanta ce trebuie acordat, sigurantei alimentare, pe parcursul intregului sistem al lantului valoric, in general, si de catre producatori si consumatori, in special. In prezent, in Romania, asigurarea sigurantei alimentare a...
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Romanian Abstract: Managementul relaţiilor cu clienţii se concentrează mai degrabă pe procesul de ”servire”, decât pe cel de ”vindere”, dar atât MRCE (managementul relaţiilor cu cetăţenii), cât şi MRCL (managementul relaţiilor cu clienţii), au la bază premisa conform...
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Both for potential customers and the loyal ones, Web Marketing determines the interactivity degree growth of commercial relationships. Marketing initiatives can be quickly launched and precisely focused on every part of customers’ database, created by means of the Permission Marketing...
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The following paper reveals the content of a new form of comunication used as vehicle for information between consumers on the Internet. Consumer-Generated Media (CGM) describes a variety of new sources of online information that are created, initiated, circulated and used by consumers intent on...
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In the context of increasing complexity of the present economy, urban functionality can be assured only by a well - directed marketing process which includes several action phases, by formulating of goals and strategies related to establishing relationships between the economic, social and...
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The present paper has as an objective the concise analysis of the tendencies we could identify regarding the E-commerce in Romania. These tendencies have been identified after a research, analysing the secondary sources of information we can find in Romania. Starting from the hypothesis that in...
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In contextul economic actual, orice intreprindere, indiferent daca actioneaza sau nu pe plan international, este afectata, intr-o anumita masura, de evenimentele care au loc pe piata internationala. Astfel, toate organizatiile economice, de la intreprinderile mici si mijlocii, care actioneaza cu...
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Ne aflam intr-o era informationala, in care luarea deciziilor se bazeaza pe numarul si acuratetea informatiilor detinute, astfel ca lipsa acestora sau obtinerea unor informatii incorecte poate duce la implementarea unor decizii strategice eronate cu repercusiuni majore asupra activitatii...
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