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In this paper we present an alternative bio-epistemological-based approach to economic ethics issues, which suggests that economists need not only an understanding of the ecosystem in terms of irreversibility, but even more, an understanding of the way the process in ecosystem make actual the...
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The present financial crisis will considerably influence the architecture of contemporary banking systems. In this context, we will witness a series of changes from the point of view of the number of institutions, their typology, sources and the ways to attract resources, the property’s form...
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Protecţia mediului a devenit o preocupare majoră afişată de majoritatea agenţilor economici în comportamentul lor social, politic şi din ce în ce mai mult în cel economic. Fără îndoială, acest interes colectiv are la bază ideea că resursele mediului nu sunt mereu exploatate corect...
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Romanian Abstract: Articolul prezintă opiniile jurisprudenţiale diferite, ilustrate cu extrase din hotărâri judecătoreşti, referitoare la modul de stabilire a cuantumului veniturilor obţinute din activităţi remunerate de beneficiarii anumitor categorii de pensii în scopul verificării...
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The fabrication of high performance materials using EPDM rubber and polyethylene mixtures with a low cost, nonpolluting and minimum investment technology is studied. These new materials can be used for obtaining a lot of goods for the economy, sport and private life..
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made by the computers. The reason is the new managers’ capacity of using their intelligence and innovation beyond the … characterized by its changing. The entrepreneurs have to look for the innovations and introduce them on the market. The innovation …, the desire of changing and perpetuating them is much easier to be realized at the SME level. Innovation doesn’t mean only …
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performance depends on how effectively and to what extent female talent is well utilized. Our survival analysis of gender … suggests that gender disparities in the duration of unemployment spells in Slovenia are significant. Our database shows that …
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