Showing 1 - 10 of 17
Romanian Abstract: Previziunea cheltuielilor curente ale perioadei de exploatare este o fazǎ importantǎ a planificǎrii financiare pentru deciziile asupra antreprenoriatului. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda unele metode de previziune a cheltuielilor generate de salarii şi de consumul de...
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Romanian Abstract: Planificarea financiarǎ joacǎ un rol major în procesul decizional asupra antreprenoriatului, oferind o imagine a eforturilor şi remuneraţiilor la care se poate aştepta întreprinzǎtorul. În aceastǎ lucrare vom aborda douǎ dintre etapele procesului de planificare...
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Les transactions effectuées dans le marché globale de capital (qui a le principal component le marché boursier) et les investissements étrangers directs nécessitent une information préalable pour les investiteurs qui ont des fonds pour être placés. Dans ces conditions les informations...
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Pentru finansarea activitatii o firma apeleaza la doua categorii de surse financiare: surse proprii si surse imprumutate. Cele doua categorii de surse de finantare identificate se completeaza reciproc, existand anumite proportii intre acestea care trebuie respectate, deoarece apelarea la credite...
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The measure of the economic value has become a widely debated issue because, nowadays, more and more companies are focusing on creating value for their shareholders.
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Criza financiara globala a transmis o serie de factori care au agravat situatia economiilor noilor state membre ale Uniunii Europene, pe fondul existentei unor relatii financiare si comerciale puternice cu tarile europene dezvoltate. in acest articol facem o scurta prezentare a unor...
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Romanian Abstract: Securitizarea activelor este o modalitate de finanţare relativ noua şi inovatoare - probabil una dintre cele mai importante tehnici care au avut loc în ultima parte a secolului trecut - dezvoltată pentru a finanţa un fond de active care prin natura lor nu sunt...
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In detail knowledge of clients that banks enter in business relations with is a way of increasing the efficiency of banks’ investment portfolio. This is because banks so manage to attract new clients more easily and also keep the existing ones into their portfolios, through identifying their...
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Bank failure is the result of a defective management in banking leading the bank to a stage of bankruptcy, which means that the insolvent bank is going to be closed by the banking authority. In general, the banking sector is viewed as more vulnerable to contagion than other industries since...
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The paper analyses the effects of global financial crisis and presents some arguments that can contribute to mitigating the effects of economic and financial crisis, and therefore to maintaining the important role that the credit you have in supporting these efforts.
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