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Romanian abstract: Aceasta revista trateaza subiecte de istorie, istorie economica, arheologie, sociologie istorica, istorie literara si culturala.English abstract: This journal is about history studies, economics history, cultural history, archaeology, sociology, literature
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Corporate governance reforms are occurring in countries around the globe and potentially impacting the population of the entire planet. In developing countries, such reforms occur in a larger context that is primarily defined by previous attempts at promoting “development” and recent...
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The paper analyses the presuppositions (often implicit) the actual quantitative and logical modelling is based on. In the context, some points of view are proposed, aimed at to eliminate or reduce the incertitude and vagueness generated by the actual way of understanding the macroeconomic modelling.
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This paper presents a few general considerations regarding the SAPARD Program (Agriculture and Rural Development Special Preaccession Program). The SAPARD Program represent one of the three European Union financial instruments (ISPA, PHARE and SAPARD) assisting candidate countries to prepare...
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Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea prezintă utilizarea metodelor Jacobi şi Seidel Gauss în rezolvarea sistemelor liniare cu aplicaţii în economie. Aceşti doi algoritmi clasici sunt utilizaţi pentru analiza raportului dintre cerere şi ofertă. Se face astfel o analiză a evoluţiei preţului...
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Romanian Abstract: Sistemele liniare sunt utile în analiza situaţiilor în care datele cantitative este necunoscute sau trebuie să fie măsurate şi informaţiile calitative sunt cunoscute; astfel de situaţii apar frecvent în discipline precum economia, biologia, etc. Dezvoltarea de noi...
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The use of the software package is today indispensable for modeling of financial decisions. Business organizations will invariably make greater demands of the software than individual users. Excel is an option along with other software applications tailored to the market, and bespoke (in-house)...
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