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This survey analyzes two types of models: 1. Models based on assumptions of monetary and financial market equilibrium disturbance in line with mainstream thinking to believe that is self-regulating market, the units would have rational expectations, an the crisis would be a temporary phenomenon...
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Romanian Abstract: Investiţiile străine directe constituie o modalitate de completare a surselor interne de finanţare a unei economii. Acestea pot contribui la dezvoltarea sustenabilă a ţării gazdă în anumite situaţii. Dar investiţiile străine directe pot avea şi efecte negative...
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In a globalizing world, defined by fierce, ever increasing competition, the relocation of services became not simply necessary, but vital for companies and imperative for further fostering their competitiveness.
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Real convergence represents an essential objective for Romania\'s integration into the EU.
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Romanian Abstract: Un fenomen cu un impact puternic asupra pieţelor petroliere internaţionale l-aconstituit declinul sever al preţurilor principalelor ţiţeiuri de referinţă din comerţul internaţional(Brent şi WTI), de la 105,7 $/baril, în iunie 2014, la 36 $/baril, în decembrie...
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The turbulences on the international financial markets are rather connected to the downfall of the American mortgage market than to the generalised insolvency of the debtors.
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The purpose of this paper is threefold: (1) to examine briefly the history and development of the major methodological controversies in economic science.
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