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changing the rules in architecture and planning for tourism. …
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The first part of the paper presents the past and present of the religious tourism in the world and in Romania and its … implications on traveling. The second part describes the regions with religious tourism potential in Romania and the activities … that could enhance and help the development of this kind of tourism in our country. …
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of tourism both national and international. The present article presents three types of studies of the organizational … cultural in tourism. The first study was carried out in hotels from 7 European countries, the second one analyzed the tourist …
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Internet, extranet, e-mail, e-books, database, and mobil phones. All these are usually used in tourism activity. E-commerce was … and more used by the potential tourists. Romanian tourism agencies and tour-operators have begun to line at the global … example, in September 2006, from 695 ANAT’s (National Association for Tourism Agencies) members, 657 (94.53%) have an e …
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domains of activity directly affected by the catastrophe are tourism and fishing. Nevertheless, the impact on international … tourism is not significant, due to aspects such as the reduced market share of the affected areas, the Asian capacity to …
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Being the most important industry in the world, tourism is often seen as a salutary solutin for helping the economic … development of a country leading to an increase in the life standards. But what is the real situation? We try to define tourism … and globalization, to present shortly the main tendencies of the international tourism as well as the effects of the …
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Romanian abstract: Aceasta revista trateaza subiecte de istorie, istorie economica, arheologie, sociologie istorica, istorie literara si culturala.English abstract: This journal is about history studies, economics history, cultural history, archaeology, sociology, literature
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Romanian Abstract: Lucrarea îşi propune aşadar să urmărească elementele de drept succesoral dezvoltate în dreptul roman şi a căror evoluţie a dus la preluarea lor în legislaţie, doctrina şi jurisprudenţa contemporană.Gravitând între efemer şi peren, multe din instituţiile de...
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Romanian Abstract: Problematica relaţiilor internaţionale este una de actualitate şi de interes pentru istoriografia europeană, având la bază cunoaşterea legăturilor dintre state, fie ele politice, economice, culturale, militare, religioase etc. Aria cercetării noastre s-a extins, pe de...
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Romanian Abstract: Evaluarea este un element cheie în implementarea programelor finanțate în cadrul politicilor europene. Procesul a suferit în mod constant de-a lungul timpului evoluții conceptuale, perfecționări ale tehnicilor, metodelor și instrumentelor utilizate, progrese în ceea...
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