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After the second World War, the classic supermarket innovated with the introduction of self service. Since then the notions of „supermarket” and „self-service” have become synonymous in the mind of large sections of the population. The corner shops have, in the mean time, developed into...
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The main goal of this paper is to propose a mathematical model which can be easily used by the strategic managers of any organisation that initiates a virtual enterprise in Romania. Therefore, the first step is to identify the main characteristics a potential partner in such a specific supply...
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The reason of buying, possibly is the most challenging concept in marketing deals with understanding why buyers do what they do (or don’t do). But such knowledge is critical for marketers since having a strong understanding of buyer behavior will help shed light on what is important to the...
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Along with increasing the influence of the private sector in the economical and financial life, the interest in the business constantly grows. It isn’t enough for organizations to offer new more qualitative, accessible and safer products on the market for the customers or these to offer better...
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Sustainable development implies the assumption of a new strategy at the microeconomic level. The paper presents several … proposals to improve the substantiation and implementation of a strategy adequate to the new challenges of the sustainable …
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in producing a position of success. The goal of much of business strategy is to achieve a sustainable competitive …. Competitive advantage is the result of a strategy capable of helping a firm to maintain and sustain a favourable market position …
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Touristic activities in Romania during the last years have two main activity directions, one beeing the pursue of touristic programs and projects that have been launched in the prevoius years and that have proven their success and viability both on national and on south-east europeean regional...
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Economia continua sa schimbe mentalitatile consumatorilor atunci cand trebuie sa adopte o decizie de cumparare. Cel mai important lucru pentru vanzatorii online rezulta din timpul pe care cumparatorii il aloca documentarii, perioada care este in continua crestere, fiind un rezultat al rafinarii...
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The management is expected to lead the company towards the achievement of set objectives which, in the contemporary settings of marked external and internal complexity, inevitably requires sophisticated expert knowledge and skills, as well as quality information support. Cost accounting...
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Conceptul de management al relatiilor cu clientii (CRM) a fost intens dezbatut in literatura de management-marketing, facand obiectul unor variate definitii. Dintr-o perspectiva tehnologica, CRM descrie metodologiile si solutiile software folosite de organizatie pentru a utiliza in mod optim...
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